Are you the Responsible Person for Legionella Control on your site or do you carry out any of the checks? If so, have you been trained within the last 2 years?
The HSG 274 guidance document states that anyone involved in the Legionella Control Programme should be trained and competent and should then receive regular refresher training.
We would like to invite you to our half day Legionella Awareness and Responsible Person Course covering an introduction to Legionella bacteria, the Legislation relating to the Industry, Roles and Responsibilities, Specific monitoring programmes, Auditing and Risk Assessments. This will be based around the latest version of the ACoP L8.
Our next training course:-
Date: TBC
Time: 9:30 – 13:00 (arrive at 9:00 for refreshments)
Venue: TBC
Cost: £ TBC +vat per person
To book your place, please contact your area manager or contact our team on 0345 828 2020 or email us help@aqua.org.uk